What’s in a name?
So, why ‘The Weaving Magpie’? I have been asked more than once.
‘I like the name’! Say those who get the reference and play on words. Many have at least heard the phrase ‘the thieving magpie’ even if they don’t know where it comes from.
The Thieving Magpie is an 1815 opera by Rossini which tells the tale of a maid accused of stealing from her employers. At the last moment it is discovered a magpie is the real culprit. I am rather fond of classical music and opera, so the reference was another way to show my personality.
Magpies are known for decorating their nests with shiny objects in order to attract a mate, a clear sign of their intelligence. Corvids have also been known to bring shiny things to humans who leave food out for them like some sort of gift or exchange. Their extraordinary capacity to learn and their gregarious personality makes them one of my favourite birds. The fact that they have been known to ‘barter’, or even bring gifts for their humans fascinates me. I love their colours, their bold gait and their beautiful silhouette in flight. Their garrulous cackle makes me smile, their joyful hop. I adore everything about them.
When thinking of a name for my craft endeavour I thought about what I wanted to say. A strong identity in your work and the way you display it can make a big difference and allow you to stand out from the crowd.
I had fragile hopes that my shiny things were pretty enough to attract people, like an introverted magpie who isn’t very sociable but still wants to be valued. My inner magpie doesn’t thieve, she weaves. She finds pretty beads and string and weaves them into the things that people like and ‘borrows’ her inspiration from nature. Then, she leaves them dotted around on branches, tree stumps and in the grass for you to find. Hopefully if you like them enough you might give Magpie some nice coins in return.
If you ever visit my stall in person you will find this scene waiting for you. A table of grass, tree stumps, gnarled branches and wrought iron fences upon which various offerings are carefully placed.
Some shiny coins for a shiny thing? I made it just for you.